Every racial group has its own set of physical characteristics. For example, the Chinese tend to have flat, broad noses and round nose tips, while Indians and Caucasians typically have tall nose bridges and beaky noses. If you feel that your nose does not harmonise with the rest of your face, you may benefit from a cosmetic procedure to improve your nasal shape, size and overall facial appearance.
Currently, there are various surgical and minimally invasive approaches to enhance the look of a nose. It is imperative that you understand the benefits and limitations of each technique so as to select the best option to achieve your desired results.
Surgical: Implants
A nose implant is the most common rhinoplasty procedure in this part of the world. There are several types of implants, such as those made of silastic (silicone and plastic) material, body cartilage (ear, septum or even the rib) and a combination of both. Nose surgeries involve adjusting the height of the nose bridge, modifying the tip or width of the nostrils and correcting bony humps.
- Able to achieve major changes and visible enhancement
- Versatility in creating the nose that you desire
- As the result is permanent, the procedure is one-off and the cost is finite
- As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection and bleeding
- Scar tissue may form over time, leading to contraction of the implant
- A poorly fitted implant may shift out of position, which will require removal or revision surgery
Recovery Period
- Two weeks
Non-Surgical: Fillers
There are many kinds of injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid. Although the results are temporary, it appeals to people who wish for a better-looking nose without going under the knife.
- Instant result for those seeking a quick fix or who are on a smaller budget
- A ‘lunchtime’ nose job as there is no downtime
- Flexibility in adjusting the shape and height of the nose
- Fillers can be used to fine-tune the appearance of a nose, such as to fill up dents or depressions
- The end result is not as evident as that achieved by surgery
- Serious complications can occur if fillers are accidentally injected into a blood vessel
- Fillers dissolve completely within six to nine months, so repeated procedures are required for maintenance. In the long run, the cost may add up to more than that of a surgery. Even if the same doctor performs the treatments, the outcome may vary with each session.
Recovery Period
- Immediate
Nose Threadlift
Also growing in popularity is the nose threadlift, whereby polydioxanone (PDO) threads are inserted along the nose bridge. The threads act as scaffolding to help contour and raise the nose bridge without surgery. While immediate results can be expected, the benefits are limited as they do not enhance the nose tip or the width of nostrils. Akin to fillers, the threads typically dissolve after about six months and repeated treatments Are needed.