Dry eyes occur when tear production is insufficient for adequate lubrication. It may be due to ageing, chronic contact lens wear, prolonged computer use, post-LASIK procedure, or environmental factors such as being in dry windy or air-conditioned areas.
Symptoms of dry eyes are tearing, stinging pain, the sensation of foreign bodies in the eye, intermittent blurriness, redness, and sensitivity to glare.
Treatment of the condition depends on its severity. Here are five treatment methods.
Artificial tears
These are usually the first line of treatment for dry eyes. They can be obtained over the counter and should be sufficient if you have occasional or mild dry eyes. If you have chronic dry eyes, apply even when your eyes feel fine to keep them sufficiently moisturized.
Anti-inflammatory eye drops
Tears are made of water, oil and mucus. If inflammation along the edge of the eyelids is preventing oil glands from secreting oil into the tears, anti-inflammatory eye drops in steroidal or non-steroidal form may be prescribed.
Punctal plugs
Each eye has two punctums (tear ducts) that act as “drains” for tears. Plugging them keeps tears from leaving your eye too quickly. To do this, plugs are inserted deep into the punctums. There is no sensation of them there. There is zero downtime and side effects. They are also not visible externally. They last only six months as they are made of a collagen-like material that dissolves, so they may be re-inserted as required.
Intense pulsed light (IPL)
Known for its application in hair removal, depigmentation and acne, IPL is effective for the treatment of dry eyes, too, particularly when the meibomian glands are blocked.
The meibomian glands are tiny glands in the eyelids. They produce an oily substance that prevents the watery layer on the eye surface from drying out. Malfunctioning meibomian glands disrupt this tear balance.
IPL works by transmitting heat to the glands and unblocking them, reducing lid inflammation, and improving symptoms of dry eyes.
Nutritional supplements
Omega-3 has been proven to boost the oily component of tears, improve dry eye symptoms, and reduce the need for eye drops. It can be taken as a supplement or through consuming oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardine.
Unknown to many, vitamin D deficiency is a common cause of dry eyes. Vitamin D plays a significant role in dry eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This vitamin can be replenished by exposure to sunlight or taking supplements.