What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is a type of cosmetic surgery that uses breast implants or fat transfer to enhance the size, shape and symmetry of the breasts. In some cases, the procedure is done to restore or reconstruct the breasts of a woman who had undergone a mastectomy as a result of breast cancer.
What is a Breast Lift?
Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, involves raising the patient’s breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. The goal of this procedure is to alter the shape of the patient’s breast contour and restore its youthful appearance.
What is the Difference between a Breast Augmentation and a Breast Lift?
Breast augmentation and breast lift are two well-known procedures that can boost a woman’s confidence through improving the appearance of her breasts. However, these two are designed to tackle different problems. The main goal of breast augmentation is to enhance the cup size, shape, volume and optimal projection. Meanwhile, a breast lift focuses on lifting drooping breast tissue and improving breast position. It also eliminates loose and sagging breast tissue and restores the youthful shape of the breasts.
In some cases, plastic surgeons may recommend having both surgeries to achieve an optimal breast appearance. This procedure, known as augmentation/pexy, aims to give breasts more fullness and realign them to a more symmetrical position.
Who are Good Candidates for Breast Augmentation?
Today, breast augmentation has become widely popular and accessible. Generally, these women may simply wish to have more volume in their breasts. One may be eligible if they are in good general health, and have a reasonable expectation of the kind of result they wish to have.
Who are Good Candidates for Breast Lift?
Patients who have lost the shape of their breasts after pregnancy/breastfeeding or extreme weight loss may wish to undergo breast lifts. Other women who may consider this procedure are those whose breasts have sagged or become elongated.
Ultimately, the best way to determine if one is a good candidate, or to find out more details on the options available, is to consult an experienced and accredited plastic surgeon.