
Stretching Your Health
  • 1 minute read
Stretching is good for your health, whatever your age, but it is especially important for senior citizens. Having a decent level of elasticity in the muscles will mitigate the risk of falls and improve balance and coordination, strength and stamina. Elderly people have brittle bones, so when the...
White & Shine!
  • 2 minutes read
Why do teeth lose their whiteness? As we age, the outer layer of the teeth’s enamel gets worn away, revealing the underlying dentin which is naturally yellow. However, tooth discoloration can also happen or be hastened because of the following reasons: Food and drinks Coffee, tea, cola and ...
Gut Instinct
  • 1 minute read
Did you know that there is a direct link between the gut and brain by way of trillions of bacteria? Keeping these bugs living in harmony in your gastrointestinal system is important to you physical and mental wellbeing. A Gutful of Bacteria Think of this bacterial population – or microbiome...
From “Achoo!” to “Ouch!”
  • 1 minute read
Did you know? Holding back a sneeze can potentially land you in hospital! Read on to find out which parts of your body are susceptible to damage from a sneeze. Sneezes are powerful Why is such a common action like sneezing so potentially harmful? This is because a sneeze can generate a violent...
Mind Your Mind
  • 1 minute read
Mindfulness—often regarded as one of the newest fad in the realm of health and wellness. But is it really just a trendy practice or is there more to mindfulness? Bearing roots in Buddhism, mindfulness is more than just mumbo jumbo; and actually has proven health benefits. What is Mindfulness? ...
Woes of the Weekend Warrior
  • 1 minute read
If you are a weekend warrior who only exercises intensely during the weekend, but otherwise lead an inactive lifestyle, read on about these five common sports-related injuries so that you can better mitigate your risk factors and stay safe. Hamstring Pull A hamstring pull can occur in sports ...
Good-for-you Foods
  • 2 minutes read
Here is a list of foods with clear and proven benefits that you might want to include on your next shopping trip. Broccoli Broccoli contains a unique chemical called sulforaphane—a chemical that detoxifies cancer-causing pollutants before they get a chance to cause problems. Broccoli is als...
Watch Out for Hoarding Disorder
  • 2 minutes read
Most people have a hobby that sometimes involves collecting items – from stamps to vintage cars. But is it possible for this enjoyable leisure activity to cross the line into one of hoarding? One in 50 people in Singapore will display hoarding behaviour in their lifetime. This is according ...
Diet Hacks For Boundless Energy
  • 2 minutes read
Fatigue got you down? These simple steps will power you up to keep you going all day, and keep your body running like a well-oiled machine. Energy. We could all do with a little more of it. But life doesn’t have to be about struggling from latte to latte. These nutritious, affordable additions ...
Catching 40 Winks
  • 2 minutes read
When sleep pods start sprouting u all over the CBD district, you know that adults are taking power naps seriously. Singaporeans work an average of 45.9 hours a week, according to statistics from the Ministry of Manpower. That’s an average of slightly over nine hours a day – one of the highest...
The Nose Knows: What Bad Breath Says about Your Health
  • 2 minutes read
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a saying almost everyone has heard. But are you familiar with the follow-up? “An onion a day keeps everyone away!” Medically referred to as ‘halitosis’, bad breath is often attributed to certain foods in one’s diet, and can be made worse by ...
Running For Health
  • 1 minute read
If you’ve been inspired to start running, that’s a good thing – provided you do it with care. The running bug has well and truly bitten Singaporeans of all ages, if the rise of running apps and running interest groups is anything to go by. Here’s why running is great for you: IMPROVES...
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