One winter night in 1996, while strolling through the chilly streets of Ho Chi Minh City, the founder of LIULI, Loretta Yang, came across a heartbreaking sight – a shabbily-dressed woman carrying a child who was only half-clothed, and another younger child at her side, sleeping on the cold hard steps of a bank.
Believing that it is the right of every child to know warmth, Loretta went on to craft a glass sculpture of a sleeping baby being cradled in a large palm, and named it A Great Wish. The result is a contemporary glass piece that evokes a sense of love, comfort and innocence. The original piece made its North American debut at the Bowers Museum, California, in 1998.
Now, you too can own this moving piece of work and contribute to a good cause at the same time. In order to raise funds for children in need around the world, LIULI has created 500 pieces of A Great Wish – Collector’s Edition – a baby version of the original – with a portion of all proceeds going to children’s charities.
In Singapore, only 20 limited pieces of the Collector’s Edition are available, and LIULI will donate a part of its proceeds to the Singapore Children’s Society with every piece sold.
LIULI is borne from the ancient art of glass casting that combines technique and material with emotion and imagination. Established in Taiwan in 1987, LIULI has mastered the pâte-de-verre technique which blends and moulds finely-ground glass into luscious glass artworks; making founder Loretta Yang one of the most influential Asian glass artists of our time.