Are you hankering for a slightly asymmetrical chin like Tom Cruise, Lucy Liu or Angelina Joie? Facial symmetry is highly correlated to physical attractiveness, it is no wonder we are seeing more demand for surgical chin procedures. A chin implant is a simple procedure that can produce instant and dramatic changes in the profile.
For example, a beautiful profile can be achieved by inserting an implant through the inside of the mouth. However, for more complex or severe cases, the plastic surgeon may have to surgically move the bone forward to build up a receding chin, or shift it backwards to reduce a jutting or overly prominent chin. The result can be greater facial harmony and a balanced profile and this often leads to an increase in self-confidence in the patient. Another possibility for improvement through chin surgery is submental liposuction in which excess fatty tissue is removed to redefine the chin or neckline.
How a chin implant is inserted?
Your plastic surgeon starts by making an incision either in the natural crease line just under the chin or more commonly, inside the mouth, where gum and lower lip meet. By gently stretching this tissue, he creates a space just over the chin bone where a chin implant can be inserted. All this is done under local anaesthesia as a day surgery procedure. Operating time is usually less than one hour.
The implant is usually made of a synthetic material called Silastic that feels very much like natural bone tissue, and is available in an array of shapes and sizes. The right choice of implant is extremely important. After implantation, fine sutures close the incision. When the incision is inside the mouth, no scarring is visible. If the incision is under the chin, the scar usually heals well and is imperceptible.
Deciding on chin surgery
Whether you are interested in chin augmentation for functional or cosmetic reasons, your choice of a qualified plastic surgeon is extremely important. During consultation, your specialist will examine your chin and jaw to pinpoint problems. In some instances, he may also suggest additional nose surgery as a supplement to chin surgery because changes to the chin may have an impact on the proportions of the nose.
Finally, high viscosity fillers can also be another, albeit temporary, alternative to chin enhancement. As such, it is important that you select a skilled specialist who is able to consider the surgery in line with the rest of your facial features to help you obtain the best results. It’s never the case of ‘one size fits all’!