Do you often find yourself staring at the mirror, wondering how you acquired those tired and puffy eyes or daubing on countless cucumbers, cosmetic eye creams and moisturizers to ditch that bag under your eyes? Well, if you can’t throw that baggage away, why not create pretty eyebags that actually enhance your eyes, make them look younger and larger?

What are pretty eye bags and how pretty are they?
These pretty eye bags are called love bands. They are completely different from the ugly under-eye bags – we all know too well- that gives you a dull and older look due to ageing and tiredness. Love band refers to the horizontal bulge of flesh at the lower eyelid just below the eyelashes and accentuated when one smile. The prominence of love bands enhances one’s eyes by giving them a softer, youthful and more feminine look.
How is love band created?
There are a few established methods to create love bands. For those who wish to have permanent love bands but have little or no pre-existing bands, a minor surgical cosmetic procedure – involving a strip of artificial skin or the patient’s own skin- will be used to create the bands. The plastic surgeon will create a tiny incision about 2-3 mm below the eyelashes of the lower eyelid to insert the skin cells into the area. For patients who wish to enhance their existing love bands, the plastic surgeon will either apply fat transfer method or inserting fillers to enhance the bulge.
How long does the surgery takes and what is the recovery time?
The surgical procedure for love band usually takes less than 60 minutes under local anesthetic and light sedation. No scar will be left on the skin, hence giving it natural look. On average, the time taken for the swelling to subside after surgery is approximately 3 to 5 days, causing minimal disruption to daily activities.