Cosmetic eye surgery refers to cosmetic eyelid surgery involving either the upper or lower eyelids, or both. It covers a spectrum of issues and needs to be customised to individual needs. Here is the list of eyelid surgery available in Singapore.
1. Double eyelids
If the eye fold is absent, a plastic surgeon can create one using hidden stitches – no cutting is involved. It can be completed in 30 minutes and heals within a week. If the eyelid is puffy and heavy, then surgery is needed. The surgical wound, when healed, gives rise to the fold.
2. Lower eyelid muscle hypertrophy
Some patients are bothered by a thick roll of muscle below their lower eyelids which is accentuated when they smile. This can be treated with a few Botox injections that will soften the muscle, so that it appears less prominent. On the flip side, there has been a recent trend of patients seeking a slight roll below their lower eyelids, which they believe will draw attention to their eyes and make them ‘pop’. This fold can be created by injecting fillers into the area.
3. Droopy eyelids
Older patients face ageing problems. For some, the tissues on the upper eyelid start to droop and loosen, creating overhanging skin, and hiding the double eyelid, if you have it. This makes the eyes look tired. When it is severe, ptosis or droopy eyelids can affect vision. To correct it, minor surgery is needed to remove the extra fat and skin and tighten the internal tissues, reducing wrinkles.
4. Eyebrow lift
The eyebrows, too, tend to droop as one ages. Doing an eyebrow lift can take years off your face.
5. Removing eyebags
Another problem many older people faces is eye bags. When you have eye bags, the weight of the eye bag causes the edge of the eyelid to have a ‘bowing effect’, like an overstretched bow. Instead of a straight line, the eyelid looks curved or rounder and is less attractive. As with droopy eyelids, minor surgery is done to remove extra fat and skin and tighten internal tissues. The shape of the lower eyelid also needs to be recreated to correct the ‘bowing effect’ or curvature of the lower eyelid.
6. Eye hollows
Hollowing of the lower and upper eyelid area arises due to the loss of fatty tissues. In this case, fillers are injected into the areas where there are hollows. If not done properly, the area could become lumpy.
Choosing a surgeon
Selecting the right plastic surgeon is important as there is little margin for error when performing eye operations and treatments need to be customised. Vanity is not always the reason behind cosmetic eyelid surgery; there are sometimes medical reasons for doing it. One instance is when weakness of the upper eyelid diminishes vision which can affect both the young and old. Corrective plastic surgery can help with this problem. While more popular with women, men are increasingly exploring cosmetic eye surgery to look younger and more rejuvenated.